Scholarships & Work Trade
Farmacy’s Herbal Scholarships are for people of color (BIPOC), immigrants, and people who have been structurally denied access to herbal education and healthcare, transgender, queer, and gender nonconforming people, people with disabilities, and people who make under $10,000 per year (not available to college students whose parents pay for school). We accept scholarship applications for our programs annually in January. Scholarships are part of our health justice and herbal activism initiatives, expanding access to herbal education. Please note: scholarships for our in person programs are for Rhode Island residents only.
Upcoming Program
Please email us to inquire about an in person scholarship to one of our programs.
A sliding scale is a tool for ensuring equal accessibility to Farmacy Herbs’ programs, regardless of financial resources, and it requires active participation. If a sliding scale is implemented effectively, everyone pays a similar percentage of their income for the same services. This way, the cost is not fleeting pocket change for some people and a big commitment to other people. Sliding scales are based on individual income levels. When you register for a class, you pick the price you pay, based on your income.
Many of our programs offer sliding scale payment options, in addition to scholarship and work trade. Our sliding scale system is also part of our herbal activism and health justice initiatives, to expand herbal education and equity in our field. Farmacy Herbs’ sliding scale is based on the honor system. We do not need to see any tax returns when you sign up for a class or receive an herbal consultation. This scale has been used successfully for Farmacy Programs since we opened our doors in 2008.
Work Trade
Our herbal internship programs function as a time bank for our work trade program. Upon successful completion of an internship program, internship hours can be counted as a time bank towards for our Level 1 and Level 2 herbal education offerings. All internship hours must be completed before they can be used in the time bank program.